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compression forceの例文


  • The compression forced egg to change its shape from round to elongated.
  • This requires a compression force, and is made manifest as a resisting pressure.
  • The Mark 3's longtitudinally corrugated roof can survive compression forces of over 300 tonnes.
  • Disc compression force increases as the horizontal distance between the load and the spine increases.
  • "Heinz wanted to use bog-standard concrete, which is good at withstanding large compression forces, " says Wilson.
  • This reduces the compression forces on the shot when it transitions from the chamber to the barrel.
  • A bending moment manifests itself as a tension and a compression force, acting as a couple in a beam.
  • So the idea is to apply artificial compression forces to the beam when there is no weight on it.
  • Thus, the horns may have been a device for the distribution of compression forces without damage to the brain.
  • As the vacuum forms inside, it creates a considerable compression force, so there is no need to clamp the seal.
  • By wearing this  Penguin Suit, it provided deep compression force on the skin, muscle, and bone even in weightlessness.
  • Self-gravitation compresses the ruler until the opposing force matches the compression force, and the ruler remains permanently in that equilibrium state.
  • He created a hanging tensile model of the church to calculate the compression forces and to experimentally determine the column and vault geometries.
  • And ACL injuries " are quite big forces in the knee, and it's the compression forces on the surfaces that might initiate the osteoarthritis process,"
  • Combining these two materials means engineers would be able to work with a composite material that is capable of carrying both tension and compression forces.
  • Unlike a spaceframe though, the main forces act as bending loads upon these tubes, rather than the pure tension or compression forces of the true spaceframe.
  • These designs apply a compression force once either a handle ( for ZIF type ) or a surface plate ( LGA type ) is put into place.
  • The tension / compression force "'F "'in a spring or any other system which obeys Hooke's law is proportional to the extension / compression "'x " ',
  • The form must be sturdy and well braced, and the two opposing wall faces clamped together, to prevent bulging or deformation from the large compression forces involved.
  • This is done by a catenary curve : Catenary arches are strong, as they redirect the vertical force of gravity into compression forces pressing along the arch's curve.
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